Valley Oak Academy
Valley Oak Academy is a small, private Microschool that provides children holistic education through experience.
We hope to cultivate curiosity and creativity,
while giving students the tools they need to be successful emotionally, socially, spiritually, physically and intellectually.
We aim to help develop students into happy, healthy, positively contributing members of society.
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Holistic Health
Students will learn about nutrition and exercise and will spend a good amount of time moving.
VOA aims to help develop every aspect of health for the child. This is a holistic approach. By focusing on how each aspect of health interacts with each other, we see greater development in the child than if we focus only on the intellectual aspect.
Please explore the ideas below for more information on how we aim to support and improve holistic health in our students. Also visit our "About" tab for more information.
It is important for students to understand how their brain works in the context of emotional and physical health.
Students will learn about their emotions, be able to identify them, and learn coping mechanisms.
Children must learn now more than ever how to get along with people they disagree with, form friendships, and work together.
Students need information in order to succeed in life.
Children must understand that the things they do have a purpose greater than only serving themselves.
Positively Contributing Members of Society
See the value in helping/serving
Students will see that there is more to life than simply gratifying their own pleasure. Through helping others, they will diversify their interactions and experiences.
VOA understands that the purpose of education is to help the student be prepared to interact with others in society. This is why one of the main objectives of our school is to see how what students learn will help them and the people around them now, and in the future.
Please explore the ideas below for more information on how we aim to implement this concept. Also visit our "About" tab for more information.
Learning about the world around them
Students will learn about Salt Lake and what makes it great naturally, see how they are connected to their community and how others contribute.
Understand their unique gifts
We want students to be well-rounded through experiencing many of the things life has to offer. This will help them better understand life and people around them. They will have opportunities to see how they might contribute positively.