Hello, I'm Bret!
I'm passionate about childhood education!
A little background on me:
YMCA Camp Counselor, Tutor, Lifeguard
Bachelors in Psychology from CSU Long Beach
Young Adult:
Paraeducator in Artesia School District
3+ years
Mental health counselor at Artesia High School
2 years
Substitute Teacher in California/Utah
1+ year
Competitive Girls Gymnastics Coach
6+ years
Gymnastics Gym Manager
6+ years
Mountain biking, surfing, pottery, woodworking, skateboarding, coaching gymnastics, playing with my Siberian Husky named Kitty.

Why do I want to open a Microschool?
Throughout my life, I have always asked why humans do what they do. As I've worked in the public school system, it has seemed like that question needs to be asked more often.
Students need to spend time outside, they need to interact, they need to learn about things they are interested in, they need to be challenged and stretched beyond what society deems "age level," while still being allowed to be a kid.
Children are being raised in a society that demands more, faster, with an ever-increasing amount of stimuli. Students need space to remove themselves from that environment and learn how things are connected, and what it means to live a life they can be proud of. As society embraces the culture of hustle and money, humans need to learn to tune into themselves and find satisfaction in their social circles and with their hobbies.
My hope is that Valley Oak Academy can work with kids to explore their natural abilities and gifts to see how those things can benefit their lives and the lives of people around them. Instead of pushing rhetoric at grade-level requirements in order for students to take a test and immediately forget the information, I hope that deep learning can occur that asks why, rather than simply who and what.
Students should look forward to learning. School shouldn't be a burden to families, it should support them. Activities and homework should be geared to encouraging creativity, curiosity and connection with the understanding that kids DON'T need more distractions from their parents, siblings and friends. Can homework be something the student and parent look forward to? I say YES! It doesn't have to be a page of busy work or something the parent first has to take time to learn about in order to help their child.
In very few circumstances are people grouped by age. School should be the same. We interact with a variety of people who each have some way to help us. I hope that VOA can provide older students opportunities to mentor the younger ones, and that younger ones can provide the free-spirited creativity that comes with youth. Students can learn to self-govern, while understanding that there is a time and place to sit still and pay attention.
What we don't need more of in America is sedentary lifestyle. We need more movement and wholesome fun, while learning and understanding what having a healthy body and relationship means to us. Everyone knows there is no "one size fits all." Education should support this and encourage exploration. It should inspire us to dig our roots deep down like the mighty oak, with a strong foundation and branches that reach upward and outward, providing shade and comfort to all who seek it.
What is Valley Oak Academy going to be like?
School Year: Sept 1st - May 31 (9 months)
180 days in public school year
191 total school days in my year
19 days off
Spring Break - 5 days
Winter Break - 7 days
Thanksgiving - 3 days
Halloween, Labor Day, Memorial Day - 4 days
School Day:
Drop off: 8:20-8:50am
Pick up: 3-3:30pm
6 hours of instruction
8:20-8:50 am Montessori activities, building, working on projects, reading
8:50-9:00 Quiet time
9:00-9:30 Previous day review, introduction of day, announcements
9:30-10:00 Sharing time + Movement
10:00-10:30 Responsibilities
10:30-11:00 Reading and writing
11:00-2:00 pm Trip -or- “In day”
2:00-3:00 Trip review -or- Project work
Open activities:
Montessori, building, working on projects, reading
Quiet time:
Sitting, getting ready, meditation
Daily Introduction:
Review of previous day and home assignments, introduction of day
Sharing time + Movement:
1 person each day, they can tell us something about what they did when not at school, something they noticed, something they learned or read. This will be a time to practice talking in front of a group, using proper grammar, explaining things clearly, answering questions, using good body movements, pronunciation, etc.
Feed fish, water plants, get supplies out, write new date, etc
Reading and writing:
Each student is working on assignments to improve their reading and writing. Some will be marking in books, some will be writing a little synopsis of each chapter or bullet points or practicing making an outline, some will have letter papers and worksheets, some will be practicing spelling and sounding things out.
1 trip/week. Museum, garden, volunteer work, visit a workplace
In Day:
30 min working on project.
30 min of math.
30 min of science/history (chart to check off progress).
1 hour of movement and health instruction. (alternate days of what focus on)
Students will only be enrolled up to 8th grade equivalent. At that point, they are encouraged to do public school, hybrid, homeschool, or find another micro-school. We will have parent-teacher meetings when that time arrives.
Students leaving VOA will be equipped with grade-level or above understanding in Math, Reading, and Writing. Science and History are incorporated as learner-driven subjects related to class projects and field trips.
To see grade-level requirements for the state of Utah, visit the link below:
Where is Valley Oak Academy and what is the setting like?
Valley Oak Academy is located at the bottom floor of Bret's house in Sandy. The traffic on the street is only related to those who live in the small neighborhood. It is centrally located to many things in Salt Lake Valley, including:
Big and Little Cottonwood Canyons
The Aquarium
Thanksgiving Point
The Natural History Museum
The America First Field
The Mountain America Expo Center
Why should you enroll your child in Valley Oak Academy?
Private school is expensive. But children are worth it.
Additionally, the Utah legislature is moving toward a model of education that supports free choice with childhood education.
The Utah Fits All scholarship is one of several options families have to support their financial needs in private education. Click the button below the "How" topic to learn more.
At Valley Oak Academy, your child will:
Take regular field trips to facilities in the Salt Lake and Utah Valleys in order to experience what they learn.
Work on projects that connect several aspects of education, including studying a sport, learn gardening, putting on a play, building something they will use in class, etc.
How do I get started in the process of enrolling at Valley Oak Academy?
Private Schooling
You will remove your child from public school by filling out an affidavit with your local school district. Click the button below for more information.
Utah Fits All Scholarship
Utah has passed a unique bill that allows parents to apply for funding that is set aside specifically for educational use. Click on the button to learn more.
Click the button below to learn more about the Utah State Regulations in place for opening and operating a private school.
Requirements for admittance:
Ages: 7-14 years old
Enrolled in Homeschool
Cost: ~$7000/year
Valley Oak Academy
VOA is a small, private, educational academy that focuses on experiential learning through holistic, student-driven methods.
A Sandy suburban neighborhood with very little vehicle traffic
Monday to Friday: 8:30am-3:30pm